
Welcome to the EBSB Branch of the ODG

East Berks and South Bucks Branch

Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers

Training at Shiplake.
Training at Shiplake.
At Chalfont St Giles.
At Chalfont St Giles.
At Chalfont St Giles.
At Chalfont St Giles.
Social at Cookham
Social at Cookham

Bellringing (also known as change ringing) is practised in more than 5000 churches, in a number of secular towers, and using handbells, throughout the British Isles, in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Southern Africa and the USA.

We are one of 15 Branches of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers. We aim to encourage and improve bell ringing in the East Berkshire and South Bucks area (whether or not within churches) by raising public awareness, assisting towers to recruit new ringers, providing training, organising practices, and running competitions.

We facilitate Branch-wide communication and social activities, and encourage participation in Guild activities.

Naturally, our prime objective is to ensure that church bells are rung regularly for Sunday and other services, although not all ringers are necessarily church-goers. However, ringing also offers much more; it is a cheap, absorbing hobby which brings together people of all ages and walks of life. It is a great way to make new friends when moving to a new area, going to university/college or are away from home on business or vacation.  It is a highly satisfying combination of physical and mental effort, and, whilst ringing is a craft that is almost 400 years old, computers and technology now play their part too.

Anyone from about age 11 can learn to ring; it helps to have a sense of rhythm and reasonable coordination — but you don’t have to be a mathematician or a musician, and there is no upper age limit. If the bells are rung from an upper floor (and not all of them are) you just need to be able to climb the stairs.

There is plenty of opportunity to learn to ring locally. For more information, contact the Branch Secretary – please
click here.

The EBSB branch website of the ODG