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Ringing towers within Sonning Deanery Branch

There are 17 ringable towers and one tower with unringable bells in Sonning Deanery. They are shown on the map and then listed in the tables below.

Select a tower from the map, or from one of the lists, or go straight to the  tower details .  To contact a tower, go to tower prefixes 

Towers by location
Branch map Arborfield Barkham Binfield Easthamspstead Finchampstead Hurst Sandhurst Shottesbrooke Sonning Sunninghill Twyford Waltham St Lawrence Warfield Wargrave White Waltham Wokingham EBSB Branch Reading Branch Winchesteer & Portsmouth Guild Guildford Guild

The ODG map. shows towers in other branches of the Guild, as well as ringing societies adjoining the ODG.

Alphabetic listing below, with full details,

Grouped by practice night

Monday practice

Binfield (6)

Hurst (8) 

Hurst (8)
Sandhurst St Michael (6)
Wokingham All Saints (8)
Tuesday practice
Warfield (10)
Wokingham St Paul (8)
Wednesday practice

Finchampstead (6)

Shottesbrooke (6) 

Wargrave (8)
Thursday practice
Easthampstead (8)
Sonning (8)
Friday practice
Arborfield (6) joint with Barkham (4)
 Twyford (8) 
White Waltham (6)
No regular practice
Sandhurst Immaculate Conception (6)
Sunninghill (unringable)
Waltham St Lawrence (6)

Grouped by number of bells

10 Bells
Warfield (13-2-27 in F)
8 bells
Easthampstead (6-0-9 in C)
Hurst (14-1-16 in F)
Sonning (20-1-4 in Eb)
Twyford (12-0-10 in F#)
Wargrave (17-2-10 in F)
Wokingham All Saints (15-2-11 in E)
Wokingham St Paul (15-2-7 in F)
6 Bells
Arborfield (11-2-24 in G)
Binfield (9-0-2 in G)
Finchampstead (7-1-7 in A)
Sandhurst St Michael (7-2-20 in A)
Sandhurst Immaculate Conception (1-2-14 in Ab)
Shottesbrooke (10-0-4 in F#)
Waltham St Lawrence (12-0-0 in Ab)
White Waltham (12-0-9 in G)
4 Bells
Barkham (4-2-0 in C)
3 Bells
Sunninghill (unringable) (3-2-0 in D#)

Tower details

Ringing times (Sundays & practices) – Some towers don't ring every week. The numbers in brackets after ringing times are week numbers – eg Thu 19.30 (2) means only on 2nd Thursday. Practice times may vary, so it is advisable to check with the Tower Correspondent before turning up. See also Weekly Practice notices. 

Note that the ringing times are for normal conditions and may be changed or cancelled by Covid restrictions

Details of access & other facilities are included, particularly for disabled ringers. (P) indicates parking. (CP) indicates a car park for Church users. (Take care not to be blocked in if ringing for a service.) (T) = toilet may be available to visitors (possibly by prior arrangement). DT = Disabled-friendly toilet (though others may also be).

Location – For each tower there is an OS grid reference, a Postcode and a link to Open Street Map.

Contact details – Contact details are given for each tower, where available. All towers have an e-mail address. You can click the appropriate [email] to send a message to the tower correspondent Alternatively you can send a message in the normal way from your e-mail software, by putting the tower prefix  in front of @sdb.odg.org.uk as the address for your message.

Tower Dedication Bells Details Sunday ringing Practice Contact E-mail Map Ref, Postcode, OSM Access & facilities
Arborfield St Bartholomew 6 11-2-24 in G (Dove details) 09.30 Fri 19.30 07912 465052.   [Email] SU757678 RG2 9JA Open Street Map Spiral. DT/T: In adjacent hall. P by entrance or on road
Barkham St James 4 4-2-0 in C (Dove details) 18.30 (4) Fri (joint with Arborfield - see above) 07496 788755   [Email] SU784664 RG40 4PL   Open Street Map Near-vertical ladder when ropes set to ring from upstairs; level access when set to ring from ground floor. CP
Binfield All Saints 6 9-0-2 in G (Dove details) 09.00 (1) [Currently none] Mon 19.30 07840 104455   [Email] SU84 5721   Open Street Map Level access to church; two steps up to ringing room. Chair lift to DT downstairs. CP (via drive to right)
Tower Dedication Bells Details Sunday ringing Practice Contact E-mail Map Ref Access & facilities
Easthampstead SS Michael & Mary Magd 8 6-0-9 in C (Dove details) 09.00 Thu 19.30 01344 459978   [Email] SU863676   Open Street Map Medium spiral: clockwise ascending, with rope. Gravel & concrete path from road. DT CP (unsurfaced, via drive 100m to right)
Finchampstead St James 6 7-1-7 in A (Dove details) 10.30, Wed 20.00 07813 066849   [Email] SU792637   Open Street Map Medium spiral: clockwise ascending. CP
Hurst St Nicholas 8 14-1-16 in F (Dove details) 10.30 Mon 19.45 07762 922172   [Email] SU794729   Open Street Map Level access to church and ringing room. P on street
Tower Dedication Bells Details Sunday ringing Practice Contact E-mail Map Ref Access & facilities
Sandhurst St Michael & All Angels 6 7-2-20 in A (Dove details) Sunday 09.00 (not 4), 18.00 (3) Mon 19.30 07979 060925   [Email] SU825618   Open Street Map Sloping path then level access to church and ringing room. CP by hall to left
Sandhurst Immaculate Conception 6 1-2-14 in Ab (Dove details) No regular ringing No practices -   [Email] SU837615   Open Street Map Level access to church and ringing room. CP
Shottesbrooke St John Baptist 6 10-0-4 in F# (Dove details) 08.15 (1,3) Wed 7.30 except (normally) before 3rd Sun. Please check  07768 272265 [Email]   SU841771   Open Street Map Spiral . CP. Please contact in advance to gain access to the private estate.
Tower Dedication Bells Details Sunday ringing Practice Contact E-mail Map Ref Access & facilities
Sonning St Andrew 8 20-1-4 in D (Dove details) 10.00 Thu 19.30 0118 969 5967 [Email]   SU755755   Open Street Map Steep spiral: clockwise ascending with central rope. DT/T: in adjacent hall. CP by entrance or P on street
Sunninghill St Michael & All Angels 3 3-2-0 in E (Dove details) (unringable) (unringable) -   [Email] SU940686   Open Street Map Vertical ladder at present. CP
Twyford St Mary V 8 12-0-10 in F# (Dove details) 10.00 Fri 19.30 07764191556   [Email] SU788758   Open Street Map Spiral (27 steps) anti-clockwise ascending with central rope. T.CP
Tower Dedication Bells Details Sunday ringing Practice Contact E-mail Map Ref Access & facilities
Waltham St Lawrence St Lawrence 6 12-0-0 in Ab (Dove details) Occasional (Check for details) None except 19.30 on Wed before 3rd Sun 07905 085815 [Email]   SU829769   Open Street Map Short spiral (1 turn): anti-clockwise ascending. Gravel path from road. P on street
Warfield St Michael Archangel 10 13-2-27 in F (Dove details) 10.00 Tuesday 19.30 07769 887968 [Email]   SU880721   Open Street Map Short spiral (1 turn): anti-clockwise ascending. Tarmac path from road. DT/T: in adjacent hall. P opposite
Wargrave St Mary 8 17-2-10 in F (Dove details) 9.05 Wed 19.30 0118 940 2937 [Email]   SU782784   Open Street Map Medium spiral: clockwise ascending. CP by entrance from Station Road
Tower Dedication Bells Details Sunday ringing Practice Contact E-mail Map Ref Access & facilities
White Waltham St Mary 6 12-0-9 in G (Dove details) 09.45 Fri 19.30 [Email] 01628 822000 (church office) SU854775   Open Street Map Medium (40 step) spiral: anti-clockwise ascending, no rope yet. P by barns opposite
Wokingham All Saints 8 15-2-11 in E (Dove details) 08.50, (Occasionally 17.50 or quarter peal so check tower diary) Mon 20.00 (Often a learner session at 19.30) 0118 979 4407 [Email]   SU815688   Open Street Map Short spiral (1 turn): anti-clockwise ascending, with central rope. T/DT: in adjacent hall. CP in Norreys Avenue or on street or public CP. Details
Wokingham St Paul 8 15-2-7 in F (Dove details) 09.00 Tue 19.45 0118 978 6554 [Email]   SU805690   Open Street Map Medium (40 step) narrow spiral: clockwise ascending, with rope. CP by hall to right
Tower Dedication Bells Details Sunday ringing Practice Contact E-mail Map Ref Access & facilities

Tower e-mail prefixes

To e-mail a tower correspondent, put the appropriate tower prefix before @sdb.odg.org.uk

arborfield barkham binfield easthampstead finchampstead hurst
sandhurst.stmichael sandhurst.ic shottesbrooke sonning sunninghill twyford
waltham.stlawrence warfield wargrave white.waltham wokingham.allsaints wokingham.stpaul

To send a message to all tower correspondents, put the prefix   towers   before  @sdb.odg.org.uk

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