Below is a list, by no means complete, of addresses which may assist you with the funding of your bell restoration project.
- ODG Bell Fund. Call Stuart Gibson (01235 820491) Email:
- The ODG Bell Fund will give a % of the total cost of the project.
- Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. Email:
- Most Guilds/Associations have bell restoration funds, some of which will give up to 20% of the cost of the project.
- Barron Bell Trust. Email: 01892 823289
- Applications to be made when at least up to 50% of the money is raised. Grant will be paid direct to the bellhanger.
- The Sharpe Trust. Call 01285 885734. Email:
- More likely to give grants to bells of historical significance or ancient bells. Will not grant retrospective applications.
- Churchcare (formerly The Church Buildings Council). Web:
- More likely to give grants to bells of historical significance or ancient bells.
- The Heritage Lottery Fund. Web:
- Supports projects of historic interest from the Heritage Lottery Fund. English Heritage advise the administrators of the fund.
- National Churches Trust. Email: Web:
- Supports structural repairs but not bell restoration.
- Central Council of Church Bell Ringers – database. Email:
- The council has use of a database listing over 1400 charities and grant-making trusts and will advise parishes on bell restoration project fundraising matters.
- Donors
- Donors can sometimes be found for a specific item such as a new bell, recast bell, bellframe or items of the ringing fittings of a bell. Should a new bell be supplied or recast, it is possible to cast the donor’s name on the new or recast bell’s surface.
- The Keltek Trust. Email: Web:
- The Keltek Trust recently donated two bells to the new ring of 8 at Broadwell in our Witney & Woodstock branch.
General Fund Raising
The Central Council Bell Restoration Fund is very grateful to have received a legacy from the estate of the late John Barnes, who was a member of the former Bell Restoration Committee for many years. For more information, click here.
Further Fund Raising
- EBSB Fund Raising (in aid of the Oxford Diocesan Bell Fund – Registered Charity No. 268390)
- The EBSB (East Berks and South Bucks branch) is one of the largest branches of the Oxford Diocesan Guild (ODG) of Church Bellringers.
- The Fund Raising Committee is a group of volunteers who source or make and sell various goods in aid of the Oxford Diocesan Bell Fund the interest from which is used to assist in financing the maintenance and restoration of bells throughout the Diocese.
- The link to the fund raising website can be found here: EBSB Fund Raising for the ODG Bell Fund