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General Committee Meeting – 2022 November

General Committee Meeting preceded by the 10 bell striking competition – 26 November 2022 Shrivenham SN6 8AQ
Here is the schedule, logistics and domestics for 26th November at Shrivenham St Andrew.

Address: St Andrew’s Church, Church Walk, Shrivenham, Swindon SN6 8AQ
Kitchen and toilet in church plus toilet and (small) kitchen in the church yard. Full sound system, hearing loop and projector & screen.

1100 competition starts. Judges in church room (in church yard with toilet and kitchen).
1100 to end of meeting – tea, coffee & biscuits in kitchen servery
1230 – 1345 ringers’ lunch served with tables & chairs available.
1300 competition ends
1345 Judges deliver results in church.
1400 General Committee starts, in church
1530 – 1600ish Close.

Parking in the High Street, nearby streets, and Manor Lane. If no spaces (not usually a weekend problem), car park off the B4000 Highworth Road 5 mins walk away.

Names for the ringing lunch should be sent by Tuesday, 22nd November to Lucy Laird using email:


Ten-Bell Striking Competition
This Guild competition is taking place on the same day at Shrivenham, starting at 11:00am. So why not make a day of it and listen to the contest ringing, even if you are not in one of the competing Branch teams?

Alternatively, if you want your name to be recorded as an apology, let me know. In either case, email ( or phone (07786 473055) me.

The papers relating to the meeting are:

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Karen Pile – Hon General Secretary (