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Sonning Deanery quarter peal volunteer list

Ringing quarter peals is a valuable experience that helps ringers to develop, Ringing a quarter peal is also a way to mark an important occasion.

Most quarter peals are organised and run by tower bands. Those bands that have sufficient resources can ring quarters but less strong bands are unable to do so without outside help.

Sonning Deanery Branch runs an e-mail list for ringers who are happy to be asked to ring in quarter peals in other towers. (They are of course free to accept or decline requests.) When a band wishes to ring a quarter peal (to develop one of its members or to mark a special event) the tower correspondent can send a message to the volunteer list asking for help. The list forwards the messages to all Branch members on the list.

If you are a ringer, and you would like to volunteer to be on the list, please send an e-mail message to the Branch Postmaster .

If you are a tower correspondent within Sonning Deanery, you can send requests to the quarter peals list . If possible, please use you 'official' address to do so, since it will go direct rather than waiting to be approved. Your official address is your tower prefix followed by @sdb.odg.org.uk Your tower prefix is listed here .

When you send a request to the list, please do not include lots of other people as cc addresses in the same message. If you do, your message will be held for moderation.

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