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Training courses for members

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In addition to regular ringing opportunities (see Diary)  the Branch has run many specialist training courses to meet the needs of its members - mostly evening or half day events. These courses have usually been run when in response to requests from members. You can see details of each course by clicking on the links below. If you are interested in any of them, please contact the Training Officer .

  Descriptions of all courses 
 Elementary bob calling  Conducting   Rope & bell control skills  
 Raising and lowering techniques    Raising and lowering in peal  Leading up and down in peal
 Listening skills  Bell maintenance  Rope splicing  
 Ring with a simulator    How to learn a method  Heavy bell handling
 Change ringing on handbells   Striking practice  Teaching bell handling


  Summary and pictures of some previous courses 

Bell maintenance course 2007 ,   Rope splicing course 2010,   Rope splicing course 2014,   Rope splicing course 2019,  Striking course feedback 2019.

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