Young Ringers visit Newbury Branch
Wednesday 19th February.
Any young ringers from the ODG who can handle a bell safely by themselves will be welcome. Parents, ringing teachers and more experienced ringers are welcome too.
Donations of £5.00 per young ringer will be collected.
Please let us know if you are coming and any special dietary considerations.
Please complete and bring a 2020 permission form if not already provided.
13:00 St Mary, Speen (tbc) (6, 12-2-12, RG14 1SA) ring and walk to Shaw
14:15 St Mary, Shaw (6, 7-01-12) ring and walk to Central Newbury
15:15 Church Hall, St Nicolas Newbury (10, 1-2-21, RG14 7WH)
Refreshments, ringing
16:30 Event ends