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General Committee Meeting – November 2021

General Committee Meeting – 27th November 2021 – Cuddington

The meeting will be in St Nicholas Church, Cuddington, Bucks HP18 0AP. The arrangements for the afternoon are as follows:

2:00 – 2:30pm Tea and coffee and cakes/biscuits will be available in the church.

2:30pm Announcement from the judges of the ten-bell competition results plus Presentation of Cup;

2:45pm General Committee Meeting

After the meeting there will be tea and coffee, etc. available. There will also be ringing at the church (8, 9-2-3) after the meeting.

There is no church car park and so it is a case of finding a space and not blocking drives. In view of this it would be good if members could car share where it is possible, and people will have to expect to walk for a bit!

If you are planning to attend, please let me know so that we can organise seating accordingly and cater for the appropriate number of cups for tea/coffee. Alternatively if you want your name to be recorded as an apology, let me know. In either case, email ( or phone (01494 713217) me.

For those arriving early or looking for lunch or a bite to eat between the ten-bell competition and the meeting, The Crown in Cuddington is recommended. There is also a village shop which is open all day until 5pm.

The papers relating to the meeting are:

Gen Comm Papers Nov 2021 Part 1 added 10th November 2021

Gen Comm Papers Nov 2021 Part 2 added 10th November 2021

Committee Meeting arrangements November 2021 added 10th November 2021

Ten-Bell Striking Competition

This Guild competition is taking place on the same day at Amersham, starting at 9:30am. So why not make a day of it and listen to the contest ringing, even if you are not in one of the competing Branch teams. The competition has had to be moved from Aston Clinton because of a problem with one of the bells there.


Ken Darvill – Hon General Secretary (