Ringers across the Guild have rung their bells in villages, towns and the City of Oxford to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. There can hardly be a resident in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire who did not hear the sound of bells and understand immediately the respect and joy that their music signified. What a tribute we have paid to our remarkable Queen Elizabeth II; we have continued the tradition set in 1953 and should be proud to have contributed again to the national celebrations in 2022.
From the Guild Report for 1953:
The year 1953 will of course be a memorable one for all bellringers on account of the numerous peals and special ringing undertaken in honour of the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In this respect our own Guild was by no means backward or lacking in loyalty, and there must have been very few towers indeed in the Oxford Diocese from which the loyal salute of the bells did not sound forth on June 2nd. Several schemes for the restoration or improvement of rings of bells were carried through during Coronation Year, involving at least two cases, at Duns Tew and Wavendon, the complete rehanging of the whole ring. A notable event in this connection was the rehanging for ringing of Great Tom of Oxford. “Mighty Tom” was swung up frame high for the first time for many, many years on Coronation Day, and will be rung in future on certain special occasions in each year at the direction of Dean and Chapter of Christ Church.
Elliot Wigg
You can view all the Platinum Jubilee ringing across the Guild below: