Old North Berks Branch of the ODG
For the Christmas school holiday outing we visited a light six, Horspath, just outside Oxford. And seventeen school-aged ringers came! They represented seven branches of the ODG, mostly fairly local but some coming from as far as Bloxham, Tilehurst, Faringdon and Clanfield. They were aged between ten and eighteen years old. Almost all the ringing was just by the young ringers, with lots of rounds and call changes, but also some Grandsire, Plain Bob, Stedman and Kent.
The young ringers said how much they liked the Christmas Cribs displayed in the church, (and the mince pies left over from Christmas Day).
And to recognise the season we had a party in the nearby Horspath Hub! We started with some party food kindly provided by Daphne, then played party games and rang carols on handbells. It was good to see the young ringers enjoying each others’ company.
The next young ringers outing will be at half term, on Wednesday 19th February, in the Newbury Branch. Put the date in your diary!