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ODG on Twitter

As part of the website update project, I set up an ODG twitter account. At the time, there was no way to integrate this with the first attempt at the website update. Now we have ownership of the development, I have integrated our twitter account with the website. This means that as soon as a new news article is published, a tweet will also be sent. If you’re not already, why not follow us @ODGCBR? You’ll see all the latest news as it comes in!

A few questions have been asked of the Facebook page recently, and I acknowledge that this is under-used. At the time of its creation the development of the website was being done by a contractor, leaving time for me as Webmaster to look after the social media. Since then, and in the absence of a Public Relations Officer, I must admit it has been sat there not really doing much. I intend to look into its role and whether it can be made less restrictive in its use. Once I have an update, I’ll be sure to post it.

In the meantime, please do follow @ODGCBR on twitter!