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For details of officer responsibilities, please see Officer Job Descriptions.

Catherine Lane
Chris Mundy
Deputy Master
Karen Pile
General Secretary
Currently Vacant
Joint Minutes Secretary
Currently Vacant
Joint Minutes Secretary
Stuart Gibson
General Treasurer
Katharine Stonham
Assistant Treasurer
Douglas Beaumont
Heather Browning
Report Editor
Rob Needham
Newsletter Editor
Ken Davenport
Peal Secretary
Jenny Bennett
Membership Secretary
June Wells
Safeguarding Officer
Currently Vacant
Learning and Development Workgroup Chairman
Tony Crabtree
Towers & Belfries Sub-committee Chairman
Richard Stanworth
Server Manager
Andrew Goldthorpe
Website Manager

Central Council Representatives

Graham John
Central Council Representative
Alan Marchbank
Central Council Representative
John Harrison
Central Council Representative
Tim Pett
Central Council Representative
Lucy Hopkins Till

Guild Stewards

Email all Guild Stewards.

Colin Lee

Covering Bicester, Banbury and Central Bucks

Tony Crabtree

Covering Vale of the White Horse, Witney & Woodstock, and Chipping Norton

Patricia Newton

Covering EBSB, Oxford City, and South Oxon.

Peter Robson

Covering Reading, Newbury, and Old North Berks

Steve Rossiter

Covering North Bucks, Sonning Deanery, and Chiltern