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AGM 2023

You are all warmly invited to attend the ODG AGM Meeting (2pm) which follows a full morning of ringing activities and the 8 bell striking competition on Saturday 20th May 2023. The AGM will be held in the Molyneaux Barn, Broadwell, which is adjacent to St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church, Broadwell GL7 3QT. Broadwell Village – Restoring the Bells

It is a great opportunity to enjoy a day of fun ringing activities with new and old ringing friends.

The AGM papers can be found after the schedule for the morning’s activities towards the bottom of this page.

If you would like ploughman’s and pudding for lunch, please contact Andrew Goldthorpe

Names for White’s visit by Thursday 12th May to the Ringing Master Richard White –

Apologies to – Hon General Secretary Karen Pile –

Minutes for approval at our next AGM on 18th May 2024 are below:


Please see the schedule below, which includes a ready-made Tower Outing or a visit to Whites of Appleton, and stalls, mini ring plus handbell ringing.

You may need to turn your phone to landscape orientation to view all the Tower outing schedule detail


Witney & Woodstock Branch host the 2023 AGM

St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Broadwell, Oxfordshire, GL7 3QT


Preceded by your ready-made Tower Outing. All welcome!

(Local ringers at all towers to assist)

Time Venue
10:00 – 1200 Visit to White’s of Appleton Church Bellhangers

Appleton, Abingdon, OX13 5JJ

Names for White’s visit by Thursday 12th May to the

Ringing Master Richard White ( )

(Note strong shoes required – no sandals or flip flops).

10:00 – 1200 Ring the works bells – The Balscote Ring (12-bells 1 3/4 cwt)

10.00am-10.45am Aston St James 6 12-2-11 G OX18 2DU
10.45am-11.30am Bampton St Mary 8 23-0-4 D OX18 2LW
11.30am-12.15pm Clanfield St Stephen 8 12-3-16 F# OX18 2PA


10.00am-10.45am Taynton St John Evan 6 6-0-27 Bb OX18 4UB
10.45am-11.30am Fulbrook St James Gt 6 4-0-13 C OX18 4BN
11.30am-12.15am Asthall St Nicholas 6 6-0-10 B OX18 4HW





LUNCH 12:30 – 14:00
Names for lunch (ploughman’s & pudding) by Monday 8th May to Andrew Goldthorpe


The Molyneaux Barn in the field adjacent to the church will be the base for the lunch, AGM, and competition results.
With book stall, Guild Committee exhibitions, Stallpits mini-ring (6 bells 5lb) and hand bell ringing.


AGM 14:00 – 15:30
AGM papers are on the Guild Website 

Followed by service ringing for…


EVENSONG SERVICE 15:30 – 16:00







Marshalls will be appointed to keep the teams moving into and out of Broadwell tower and to assist with timings in the tower if required. Tea, coffee & soft drinks will be available throughout the competition.


What3words Address: fabricate.archive.motivator.    Church Postcode: GL7 3QS

What3words address is for the turn into the farm where parking is available on the field adjacent to the church. Please do not park in the road in front of the church.

AGM arrangements

There will be a sound system in the barn for the AGM including speakers and a microphone, but no hearing loop. Toilets in Church and barn.



The AGM papers are below:

AGM 2023 Agenda & 2022 AGM minutes

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ODG Accounts 2022

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AGM 2023 Reports

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