Cost £20
Thiscourse is designed to provide opportunities for students to learn and practisemore advanced methods than those offered on the Radley and Steeple Astoncourses.
Theday will start with a tutorial at the first tower followed by a practicalsession and further ringing, usually at two other nearby towers.
Dependingon demand, groups will be formed to cover the following options:
· Stedman Triples (entry levelStedman Doubles/Grandsire Triples)
· Surprise Minor (entry levelTreble Bob Minor)
· Basic Surprise Major - to includeCambridge and Yorkshire (entry level Cambridge Minor/Treble Bob Major)
· Advanced Surprise/DelightMajor - selected methods from the ‘core seven Pickled Egg’ and ‘Standard Eight’(entry level Cambridge/Yorkshire Major)
Furtherdetails and application forms are available from the secretary of the L & DWorkgroup:
RobertNewton, 11, Plowden Park, Aston Rowant, Watlington, Oxon OX49 5SX
Closingdate for applications: 28th August 2024