AGM papers now available

The Papers for the 2019 AGM are now available. You can download them using the links below. For details of the AGM, please see this page.

Reading AGM Feb 2019_Agenda

Reading AGM Feb 2019_7a Accounts

Reading AGM Feb 2019_7a Treasurer’s Report

Reading AGM Feb 2019_7b Secretary’s Report

Reading AGM Feb 2019_7c Ringing Masters’ Report

Reading AGM Feb 2019_7d Branch Representatives’ Report

Reading Branch Feb to July 19 Practices_updated

Reading Branch AGM details announced

As we approach the end of the year, thoughts turn with huge excitement to the Branch AGM!

I am delighted to say that Henley have agreed to host us this year so the meeting will be held in the beautiful Chantry House, the only Grade I listed building in Henley.

The meeting will be held on Saturday 9th February 2019 from 10.00 – 11.00 (coffee and biscuits available from 9.30) and will be followed by our branch practice from 11.00 – 12.30. The agenda is attached and papers will be circulated by the end of January next year.

In advance of the meeting, please note the following points:-

  1. All officers will stand down at the meeting and those willing to stand again are listed below. Please send nominations for any of the posts to me.
  2. I would be most grateful if you could let me know who will be your tower correspondent for next year with contact details so that I can supply these to Heather Browning by 31st January 2019 in time for publication of the 2019 Annual Report.
  3. Would you please let me have any AOB in advance of the meeting.

Officer Posts

Chairman – Giles Winter willing to stand again
Secretary – Pam Williams-Jones standing down due to planned extensive absences next year
Treasurer – Keith Vernon willing to stand again
Ringing Masters – Robert Partridge and Colin Newman willing to stand again
Web Master – Tim Haywood willing to stand again
Youth Officer – Daniel Page willing to stand again
Branch Representatives – James Champion and Keith Vernon both willing to stand again
Newsletter Editor – Diana McClure willing to stand again
Independent Examiners – Helen Bennett and Joan Bennett willing to stand again

With many thanks and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year,
