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Young Ringers meet at Longcot

It was a cold bright day when we met in Longcot.  Tony Crabtree had done us proud, providing us not only with the church bells, but with his mini-ring set up inside the church and a miniature set of eight toy handbells plus music for some simple carols.

It was good to meet one young ringer from Longcot we hadn’t met before.  Altogether there were twelve young ringers including one from Banbury branch, three each from Oxford City and Vale of White Horse branches and five from our branch.  Eleven adults were present including two ex-young ringers and including four parents.

As usual, we rang rounds and call changes and games to test our ability to stand our bells.  For our more experienced young ringers we rang plain hunt on seven and grandsire triples, with help from some of the adults.

On the mini-ring, all the young ringers attempted to ring them.  Three of the most confident young ringers taught themselves to ring double handed and managed reasonable rounds between them.

We took advantage of the eight toy handbells and rang some simple, recognisable carols

Added into the mix was Daphne’s excellent refreshments.  Altogether a very happy afternoon with lots of smiles among the young ringers.

Many thanks to Tony for hosting us at Longcot and for providing the much-enjoyed extra activities.

Susan Read

9 January 2022
