Reading will be welcoming seven other 12 bell teams to St Laurence on 23rd March for an elimination round.
National 12-bell Striking Contest
If you could help with stewarding/ just helping out, please contact Steve Rossiter
Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers
Reading will be welcoming seven other 12 bell teams to St Laurence on 23rd March for an elimination round.
National 12-bell Striking Contest
If you could help with stewarding/ just helping out, please contact Steve Rossiter
This year’s AGM will be held at SS Peter & Paul Shiplake, RG9 4BS this Saturday. Reports and agenda below.
8a Reading Branch Accounts 2023
8b Reading Branch AGM 2024 RMs Report for 2023 draft
8c Reading Branch AGM 2024 Chairman’s report
8d Reading Branch AGM 2024 Rep’s Report
8e Reading Branch AGM 2024 Secretary
Reading Branch AGM Agenda 2024 (1)
Hope to see you there.
On Saturday 20th January the annual 8 Bell striking competition between Reading and Sonning Branch took place, hosted by Reading Branch at St. Michael’s Tilehurst.
Reading entered 2 teams, one from St Mary’s Reading and one Branch Team. Sonning entered 3 teams, one from All Saints Wokingham, one from Arborfield and Sonning, and one from Hurst.
Once all had rung the judges, Robert and Patricia Newton from High Wycombe gave the results. Hurst was a “learner” band and runs 250 changes of rounds. All Saints rang 252 changes (including 1 minute of rounds) of Grandsire Triples. Reading Branch rang 238 changes including 210 of Grandsire Triples. Arborfield and Sonning rang 284 changes of Plain Bob Triples, being 3 plain courses. Finally, Reading St. Mary rang 242 changes including 210 of Grandsire Triples.
Because of the difference in number of changes rang, the judges gave the results as “faults per 100 changes”. The results being:-
1st Reading Branch 18.3 faults
2nd Reading St Marys 24 faults
3rd All Saints Wokingham 41.5 faults
4th Arborfield and Sonning 43 faults
5th Hurst 73.2 faults
So Reading Branch we’re very pleased to be the top 2 teams.
It was a very sociable and enjoyable morning with a good opportunity to mix with the Sonning branch and we look forward to the next competition to be hosted by Sonning branch in November.
Above are photos of the winning team (anti-clockwise from front left) and the presentation of the Trophy by Robert and Pat Newton to Giles Winter, Chair of the Reading Branch and conductor of the Reading Branch Team.
The Reading Branch Team
1 Josie Irving – Goring
2 Nicola Roberts – Goring
3 Jenny Page – Caversham
4 Robert Partridge – Shiplake
5 Elizabeth Evans – Tilehurst
6 Doug Beaumont – Caversham
7 Giles Winter – Tilehurst (Conductor)
8 Colin Cairns – Tilehurst
Our AGM will be held at Shiplake on Saturday 10th February from 10am followed by open ringing until 12:30. Sorry the Diary is not working at present.
The January Branch practice is at St Mary the Virgin, Henley from 10 – 11:30am on Saturday 13th January. Sorry the Diary is not working at present.
Message from the Mortimer team. The installation of the new clappers was completed 29/11/23. The installation has been signed off by Whites and the bells handed back. They are now within 1ms off-set between handstroke and backstroke. Thanks go to White’s, Andy Slater and The Branch for a grant towards the cost.
On Sunday, 26th November I’m joining other ringers at Shinfield and Swallowfield Towers in support of the Rainbow Trust “No Family Alone Appeal”. This wonderful charity supports families where there is a terminally ill child 24/7 and can be a lifeline for families in very dark times. The charity is new to the Thames Valley, so in addition to supporting the appeal, we are also ringing to welcome it to our community and remember children across the Thames Valley region who are suffering from terminal illness or who have passed away. The Appeal runs for 72 hours from Friday, 24th November to Monday 27th November. Rainbow Trust has secured matched funding meaning that every £1 donated will be worth DOUBLE that to the charity. I know that there are many appeals at this time of year, but please do consider making a donation if you can. There’s a waiting list of families in our area and inflation means the cost of providing support is spiraling.
You can make a donation here Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity: Shinfield and Swallowfield Ringers supporting Rainbow Trust (
Even if you are unable to make a contribution on this occasion, please do click on the link to find out more about the work of this wonderful charity. Thank you for your generosity.
Please don’t respond to any spurious emails purporting to be from members of the guild. I almost rushed off to buy several gift cards with my own money – not!
There is not going to be a set time to ring for the Coronation. At the moment we don’t have an indication of the time of the Service at Westminster Abbey, although it is expected to either start at 11 or 11.15. Many bands are planning to ring in the run up to the service (when time is confirmed), however ringing is encouraged at any time convenient to the ringers and Church. As more information is announced we will update accordingly but the time was not known as at 30th March..